Saturday, April 26, 2014

Another Thrift Shopping Trip

Did you think I only went to one thrift store while I was visiting my family over Easter?  Sometimes that's the case, but I was really happy to be able to visit 3 different thrift stores this trip!  And go to a few garage sales!

Here were the finds from that day:
It was a pretty slow start with the garage sales.  I only bought those 5 canning jars and box of new lids for $2.00 total.

Next was the Salvation Army.  It was a quick visit, but I found a few things:
$8.50 - Crockpot that looks brand new with instructions.  Mine has a big crack, but still intact.
$0.75 - Tupperware colander.  Mine melted (ahem) on the stove top about a year ago and I've been missing it sorely.  It's a perfect size.
$0.25 - Sugar Creek Gang mystery
$0.50 - jelly jar with corn handles in it

We also stopped at Goodwill and found a few more things.
$6.99 - Sketchers for Yours Truly.  I was so pleased to find a pair of shoes for myself. 
$3.99 - summer sandals for DD#1
$1.99 - shoe hanger for closet
$0.99 - a good peeler

Overall I'm super happy with the finds in this small city.  =)


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