Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekly Menu Plan & Goals

I have been missing my weekly goals so I want to try and get that back in action this week.  I'm trying to do very little grocery shopping this week because I plan to spend up to $80 on peaches Thursday.  We'll see if I manage or if I get pulled into an awesome cereal sale.  I'm getting low and there are usually spectacular cereal deals this time of year.

Monday - Easy Chicken Pot Pie (mom out)
Tuesday - Stuffed Zucchini
Wednesday - Chicken la Viva!
Thursday - Waffles (dad teaching)
Friday - Haystacks
Saturday - Going away party - Potluck - Chocolate Zucchini Cake?
Sunday - Smoothies & Popcorn

Monday - Pizza
Tuesday - Finger Food lunch
Wednesday - Nachos
Thursday - Peanut Butter & Jelly (picnic lunch)
Friday - Sausage Soup
Saturday - Pasta & Red Sauce
Sunday -  Peanut Butter & Jelly

Kitchen - Can 70-100 pounds of peaches, freeze 25-40 pounds
House - Move TV & all related mess downstairs
Garden - Pull out cucumbers, plant more lettuce
Life - Make eye appointments & well-child appointment for DD#2 November bday

OK - Now that goals are made, maybe I'll accomplish them!


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