Monday, August 19, 2013

Menu Plan & Goals

I need to use up lots of that free produce and our garden is going crazy!

M - Beef & Broccoli
T - Baked Pasta
W - Sausage Soup
D - French Toast
F - Potluck - veggie tray
S - Hamburgers
S - Dinner with Aunt

M - Waffles
T - Hot dogs & Corn on the cob
W - Nachos
D - Bagels
F - Leftovers
S - Barbeque
S - Lunch with Aunt

Kitchen - Freeze tomatoes, green beans, & zucchini from garden. 
House - Move TV downstairs, get all camping gear stowed away
Garden - Tie up tomatoes, weed as needed
Life - Choose history curriculum, buy math curriculum

I did well last week.  DH didn't get the TV moved, but he did take the stacks of movies back downstairs to the movie shelves.  One step at a time!  


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