Friday, May 31, 2013

Busy Week!

I have had a busy week around the house and haven't been setting aside time to blog.  DD#4 dropped my camera last week so it's also been hard to just snap photos of what I'm doing.  Usually those quick photos are what I make blog posts of.  A camera phone photo requires about 5 steps to make it to the blog instead of 2 with the camera.

Late tonight my good friends, Ruth & Justin, are coming to stay for the weekend.  I have been busy cleaning the guest room, moving some clothing bins, and even painting a wall in preparation of their arrival.

Additionally, we have DD#3's birthday party this weekend so I've been doing a lot of preparation for that as well.  Here are some photos of that:

Parting Gift - Cookie Dough (Just add butter & egg)

DD#3 fills her Cookie Monster pinata
Today I'm working on finally getting those clothing bins stored and finishing the tags for the take-home cookie dough.

I also ordered another camera so hopefully I'll be back in action soon.


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