How blessed am I?
I get to be a table leader at my MOPS group - and not only is it a stellar MOPS group, my particular group of gals is pretty awesome, too.
I am also blessed that I've been able to be a table leader for these same gals 2 years in a row.
I am blessed that they want me to continue as table leader and have offered to carry some of the responsibility so I am able to stay at the table.
And yesterday, at our final meeting of the year, these ladies just poured gifts on me. I received 2 compactable and washable shopping bags that get small enough to tuck into my purse.
Our mentor mom is an amazing seamstress and made each of us beautiful, fabric shopping totes - also washable.
They gave me lovely messages inside cards and an Amazon gift card.
Then, the cool icing on the cake, I won a Starbucks gift card, too in a MOPS-wide drawing.
I came home feeling so loved and appreciated - what more could a girl ask for?
I know how you feel, I'm a table leader as well and God has blessed me with exactly the ladies I was meant to be with this year. It has been a great way to finish out my MOPs career (the nearest MOPs at our new home is 45 minutes each way, so I probably will not continue-plus my youngest will be in school with her brothers full time in Fall 2014... kind of sad as I would love to have a group nearby to meet people!