The peaches were $14 for a 25# box = $.56/lb
I was able to get two boxes of 'second' peaches which means they are imperfect for just $7.50/box = $.30/lb
All together I've got to can or freeze 125 pounds in the next few days. Wish me luck!
The blueberries were 10# box for $20.00. I bought the maximum allowed, 30 pounds, to freeze and eat all year. We love blueberries around here!
Here's the first ten pounds ready for the freezer:

Finally, there were some end of season cherries available - a 26 pound box for just $8. I split these with a friend for $.31/lb. I don't love cherries, so I'm hoping to make cherry pie filling with these.
Stay tuned to see how the progress goes!
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