Alas, this is the sight that greeted me:

Scary, right? Well then I braved the knee high grass and weeds for a closer look. I saw tomatoes!

Snap Peas!

Pumkpkin Blooms!

Cucumber! Oh Happy Day - the slugs love to eat my cucumbers!

Lettuce! Trying to grow under the shade of squash leaves.


There were also lovely green beans, an acorn squash and a yellow squash plant that looks promising. Here is what we picked. Clearly we need to use some zucchini!

And clearly I need to teach DD#3 not to pick anything unless Mommy helps her - notice the green tomatoes. I'm so pleased the garden is doing well and that we'll be able to set some stores aside for the winter. I'm thanking the Lord for good weather, good friends, and hearty plants during our absence.
Next up - Weed this crazy mess! Maybe I'll manage it by next week. =^)
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