Yesterday I posted that I'm trying to avoid the grocery store this week so my plan this week reflects lots from the freezer and pantry. I did eventually get my garage freezer emptied and defrosted and the inside freezer was looking pretty empty before we left. However, we visited a hobby farm in Riverside, CA on our trip and the wonderful owner, Cathy, blessed us with serious beef! With those 15 pounds of meat added - the freezer looks like this:

Monday - Sausage vegetable soup (made this the day before we left to use up all the produce and packed it across 6 states only to eventually bring it home again)
Tuesday - Zucchini Meatloaf (meal swap dinner)
Wednesday - Italian turkey sausages & potato salad from 4th of July (tossed in freezer as we left)
Thursday - Dinner at Bible study - taking a big green salad of garden veggies
Friday - Easy Turkey Pot Pie (mom out at ladies' night)
Saturday - Chicken Taco Soup (in crockpot - mom out babysitting)
Sunday - Sour Cream Chicken
Monday - Strawberry Pancakes
Tuesday - Frozen Pizza (errand day)
Wednesday - Soup & Crackers
Thursday - Macaroni & cheese
Friday - Waffles
Saturday - leftovers
Sunday - Daddy feeds girls out while mommy potty trains DD#3
Breakfasts - We're out of milk and fresh fruit so it should be interesting.
Monday - Instant Oatmeal (expired from one of the Grandmas)
Tuesday - French Toast
Wednesday - Instant Oatmeal (same)
Thursday - waffles
Friday - scratch oatmeal
Saturday - Instant Oatmeal (same)
Sunday - Cold Cereal! Will buy milk on Saturday
Also, DD#4 is fast outgrowing baby food, but I have a bunch to use up so she is having lots of cereal and jar food this week.
Next week I'll have to go through the pantry checking dates. Whatever old stuff I find there will dictate next week's menu. Stay tuned!
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