Wow! What a week we had last week!
The weather was great for a couple days so I was really busy outside, then we had family visiting for a couple of days, then DH and I had a little getaway while the visiting family stayed with the kiddos. Needless to say it was really busy and this week will be busy, too, as I try and catch up with what I neglected last week!
My meal plans are to use what's on hand because I won't have much time to shop (I don't think), but I will have to get some more fruit and veggies because we're running low.
Monday - Biscuits & sausage gravy (Mom out)
Tuesday - Pasta
Wednesday - Grilled Cheese
Thursday - Macaroni & Cheese Pie (DH out)
Friday - Tuna Casserole - to use up Chow Mein Noodles
Saturday - Hot Dogs
Sunday - Pizza & Smoothies
Monday - French Toast
Tuesday - Nuggets
Wednesday - Homemade Pizza
Thursday - Bagels
Friday - Finger Food Lunch Smoothies
Saturday - Nachos
Sunday - PBJ
My weekly goals from two weeks ago are still mostly outstanding. Bummer.
I did hang DD#2's curtains, but that was my only "goal"met.
This week I'd like to:
1) Sort girls' off-season & off-size clothing into appropriate bins & put bins away
2) Complete first garden terrace (digging & rock wall placement)
3) Transplant poor little cucumbers. =(
4) Post for Projct Twenty-Six so I can meet my April Goal of 15 posts.
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