Friday, March 1, 2013

Pantry Challenge 2013! Update

Yes, I'm still doing my Pantry Challenge!  Usually I try to use up food in my pantry and freezer during January and February each year, but I started two weeks late was out of town for 2 weeks in February.  So, I'm going to keep up the challenge for at least 2 more weeks.

DD#1 was very disappointed with the news.  She whined, "Moo-om, we REALLY need cereal."  Oh well.  Using up yummy oatmeal.  

Here is a photo of the pantry from both sides.  It isn't looking too empty.  I particular I still have tons of pasta and pasta sauce.

I also have a bunch of expired food I'm trying to use quickly.  I've used a ton of peanut butter and some of those chow mein noodles.  Clearly there is more work to do!

I'm going to try and keep my grocery store shopping to $30 this week and $30 next but I expect it to be challenging because I have my freezer meal swap on Thursday.


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