Wednesday, March 13, 2013

End of Pantry Challenge 2013!

I'm officially ending the pantry challenge.  I was already considering it but the absence of butter cemented the decision.  Seriously, I must use butter frequently because we've only been out about a week and I have missed it many times.

I am also completely out of cooking spray, white flour, popcorn, cold cereal, powdered sugar, hot cocoa, and olives.

Here's what the pantry looked like 7 weeks ago.  There were also some items (cans of coffee, diced tomatoes) behind the art supplies on the bottom shelf.

And here's what it looks like today:
Does it look much different?  Organizing helped and I used a lot of stuff, but I was somehow hoping more would be gone.

These are the bulk bins I keep on the floor of the pantry.  The green line marks the levels 7 weeks ago.

And these are the bins today marked with a red line.  You can see the flour is completely gone and the red beans haven't been used at all.  
I am really looking forward to buying flour, too.  We haven't been able to have pancakes or those new amazing waffles for weeks!

So back to regular shopping this weekend.  Hurrah! 


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