Sunday, July 26, 2015

2015 Groceries Week 30 - $107.01

My awesome mother-in-law was here early in the week and we didn't do much shopping except a quick run to the grocery store for a gallon of milk.

I spent $5.99 at County Market for organic milk.

The girls and I went to Costco Wednesday afternoon mostly for garlic & lettuce.  I was signed up for salad & chips at our Friday Bible study potluck so I also got veggie straws that my kids are in love with.  A new purchase was organic sugar.  As I try to transition and fit more organic stuff into the budget, this was the next step.  Really, it just seems so expensive and my grocery bill is definitely increasing, but small changes are less painful.  Maybe it's time to ask DH for a grocery raise? I spent $40.03 on groceries.

Thursday morning DD#1 went to Fred Meyer for fast morning shopping and a quick date.  Usually we do Wednesday nights, but DH worked late so it was a Thursday morning 'squeeze-it-in.'  I bought a sweet potato & butternut squash for an amazing soup I love, more chips for the potluck, GF cereal, clearance milk, sour cream, cilantro and a huge box of peaches.  I spent $44.55, but I owe the store money and haven't been back yet to fix the problem (see below).

Fred Meyer had peaches and nectarines on sale last week for $0.99/lb.  Usually, I score great canning peaches with my bulk buying group, but I have to miss this year's event.  I generally get several boxes of 23ish pounds for $17.50 which ends up in the $0.80/lb range or less!  A super great deal, but I thought I'd buy some peaches for canning at Fred Meyer since $0.99 was also a good price.  I asked a guy in the produce department if it would be possible to get a couple of boxes of the sale peaches.  He said they have huge totes, not boxes, and how much would I want.  I asked if 50 pounds would be OK, and he asked me to wait.  A few minutes later he came out with this big 'ol banana box full of peaches and put it in my cart.  I was delighted!  Then he said, "You can get a 10% discount, too, since you're buying so much."  WHAT!?!  AWESOME!?!  I went immediately to the register, but wasn't about to try and lift the peaches out at 6 months pregnant.  The cashier from the next stand lifted it onto the conveyor, but the scale wouldn't work for that heavy.  In my mind I'm thinking, "I don't want to pay for the box weight!" but the cashiers didn't seem to want to unload the peaches into bags and I was running late getting home so I just mentally decided to let it go, they were giving me a 10% discount after all.  Then they asked me how much was in the box.  I said, "I don't know exactly, but I asked the produce guy for 50 pounds so it's probably around there."  In my mind I'm thinking, "It might be only 40 pounds! What do I know if they guy weighed them back there? I can't lift the box and get a general idea myself!"  They decide to charge me for 50# and I remind myself of the 10% discount and it's still a good deal, even if the box isn't quite 50 pounds it might also be over 50 pounds so just have some grace for these cashiers who are trying to figure out what to do.  The decision made, the cashier gets an override and rings me up for 50# of white peaches which are NOT on sale and $2.79/lb.  The screen said $139.47 minus $13.95 for the 10% discount.  I said, "Um, that's not right.  I'm so sorry, I'm buying the $0.99/lb peaches."  She quickly flipped through the box and found another sticker that rang up at $0.99/lb.  It was for nectarines, but it was the right price at $49.49 minus $4.95 for the 10% discount and required a manager override again.  I wasn't going to correct the designation because the price was finally right, and I finally got out of there.  But then when I got home I realized my receipt was too little money.  How did I get the peaches AND the other groceries for $44.55?  A quick scan showed me that while the $139.47 for white peaches had been removed, the $13.95 discount was still on the receipt.  So I need to go pay an additional $13.95 and you'll see it in next week's total.  Crazy!  But really happy to get peaches for $0.89/pound when I thought I was going to miss out entirely this year.

I ran out to QFC tonight because we were out of milk.  I ended up getting more of their cream that's been on sale, some Doritos (bad choice!), and microwave popcorn for the kids who were watching a movie.  I spent $16.44.

I barely see my friend anymore who sells eggs. *sniff* and I cancelled our milk delivery to save money.

Week 30 Total: $107.01
Year-to-date 2015 Total: $3,195.79
Weekly Average: $106.53.

This is significantly higher than last year at this time - only $79.89!  But 2013 was $109.37 so I can feel good about that I guess . . .


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