I made a small shopping trip at Fred Meyer before I left town & of course, found a bunch of bargains. I did stay under my $25 for groceries for the week though!
Here's what I bought:
2 gallons organic milk on clearance for $2.79 each
1 1/2 gallon Minute Maid OJ on clearance for $1.89 (nasty cold, thought oj might help)
2 bottles of imitation vanilla extract on clearance for $.49 each (I am on my last bottle and we bake a lot)
whole chicken for $2.98
3-1# butter for $1.67 each
2-5# bags of flour for $.99 each
romaine lettuce $1.00
1# strawberries $1.67 (a total splurge)
hand of bananas at $.59/lb.
While not technically part of the grocery budget, I also found a package of newborn Pampers for $4.49 on clearance and I used a $1.50 off coupon to get them for $2.99! I'll set those aside for #4 since we don't usually get the cloth diapers rolling for the first couple of weeks.
Wow, I'm going to have to go get me some diapers too.