Saturday, October 18, 2014

Small Batch of Applesauce

Last week we made a small batch of applesauce.  A friend had given us a bag of apples that were picked before we left for our 2 week vacation.  Then, the apples were in our fridge for another 2 weeks before I managed to process them in applesauce.

Here is about half the apples.  I had them stored in my fridge in big Tupperware so I could still stack stuff on top of the bins.

Lots of hot 'sauce.

For a small batch I don't bother with the water bath canner.  I just freeze these guys and save the cost of the lids needed when pressure canning.
Next up I have about 100 pounds of apples still waiting for me in the garage.  They are newer so could wait longer to be processed.  Plus, it's kind of daunting . . .
Love, Katie

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