Sunday, May 20, 2012

Storing the Winter Bedding

One of my tasks this week was to put away our winter bedding.  I don't keep many extra linens but I do have flannel sheets for winter that need to be stored during the summer.  To save shelf space I store bedding between the mattress & boxspring of our bed.

Here is our afghan and wool blanket,

Our flannel sheets,

And three afghan from the girls' beds.  I put all this on just the one bed so come fall, I only have to dissemble one bed to get everyone's heavy blanket out. 

At that time (fall) and now (spring) I also wash our dust ruffle.  Here it is spread over all the winter bedding.

And finally, the bed put together a couple of inches taller and no more flannel sheets hanging out in the corner of my bedroom.  Hooray!  That's DD #4.


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