Sunday, November 29, 2015

2015 Groceries Week 46 - $94.35

This week was light shopping. DH was out of town for 5 days so I didn't venture out much.  I would have had to shop with the kiddos which is challenging at best.

I went to Target for a pacifier clip Monday and picked up a pizza, some clearance snacks & olive oil, and some junk food.  I spent $10.46.

I did take the kids to Costco Friday.  We bought organic carrots, veggie straws, cheese, a pizza, butter, tortillas, organic meatballs, and a package of coconut curry.

I am picking up this post now, 2 weeks later . . . I'm so behind in posting that I managed to the lose the receipt for this shopping trip.  I can see the total receipt amount on my online banking, but it doesn't tell me food v. non-food.  My best calculation is $75.21 on food.

I had one more dash into QFC where I picked up a gallon of milk and something else (again, receipt lost) for $8.68.

Week 46 Total: $94.35
2015 Year-to-date: $5,103.22
Weekly Average: $110.94

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