Tuesday, November 29, 2016

2016 Groceries Week 48 - $162.52

A reasonable week for Thanksgiving!

First stop was Costco on Monday night.  I picked up two bags of organic tortilla chips & two bags of veggie straws, two dozen organic eggs, organic hummus, & bananas.  I spent $31.73.

I went to QFC Wednesday morning in hopes of a thawed turkey (since I hadn't pulled mind from the freezer).  No luck, but it thawed just fine in the sink of cold water.  I bought chips for $1.88 each for a Thanksgiving treat.  I bought an apple pie my mother-in-law likes, the special rolls my sister-in-law likes, fresh green beans, celery, and an organic butternut squash for our dinner.  I also bought a pumpkin pie and cool whip because well, Thanksgiving.  I found soy yogurt on clearance, guacamole on clearance, several organic cottage cheese on clearance for $1.49 each, and some wild rice for a healthier stuffing I ended up not making. I bought onions & zucchini, organic half and half, whipped cream, organic milk, and a 20 pound turkey, too.  I spent $81.41.

And I went to Fred Meyer Friday afternoon to buy bread and ended up buying a bunch of stuff on clearance including apples, applesauce squeezies, crackers, organic beans, tomato sauce, evaporated milk, coconut milk, and organic chicken broth.  I bought the bread, grapes, bananas, 7# clementine oranges, green onions, and a head of lettuce, too.  I spent $25.77.

DH also went to the store for a couple things on Thanksgiving.  He spent $23.61 on potatoes, 2 gallons of organic milk, 3 bottles of sparkling cider and two bottles of salad dressing.

Week 48 Total: $162.52
YTD 2016 Total: $7,572.23
Weekly Average: $157.75

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