Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 Groceries Week 34 - $117.52

I went to three stores on Tuesday.  I guess I needed to stock up after our camping trip!

I ran down to QFC first thing for milk & fruit for breakfast.  I was happy to find a mess of Isernio's sausage on clearance.  Italian Sausage Veggie soup is one of our family favorites and we've been missing it!  The milk isn't pictured, I spent $31.39.

We went to County Market Tuesday afternoon to use a $10/$50 coupon.  I bought some beauty products, some stocking stuffers & a clearance peeler for camping to get my total to $50.07.  This might be a record for hitting close to $50.00!  So after the 20% off, all this food cost $14.47.

I went to a different QFC late Tuesday night to pick up more milk (since my kids drank half a gallon over the course of the day) and check out the clearance sections.  Clearance items were mayo for $0.99, oranges for $1.00, blackberry jam for $2.49, diced tomatos for $0.59, spaghetti noodles were $0.49 each, and breakfast sausage were $1.99 each.  I spent $32.01.

I ran to Fred Meyer late tonight and I have to Sunday night shopping is NOT spectacular.  Everything was not stocked and there wasn't much in the clearance areas.  I was pleased to see Cheerios and Chex on sale for $1.99 each that I stacked with coupons to get for $1.54 each.  DH needed more cream (not pictured) for $2.38 each, cream cheese were $0.80 each, cucumbers were $0.50 each, 1# cheese were $2.99 each, and sour cream was $0.60.  I also bought baking powder because I was out and chips for my GF kiddo's alternate meals. Other chips because they were on sale and I love salt!  I spent $39.65 in all.

Week 34 Total: $117.52
Year-to-date Total: $3,602.72
Weekly Average: $80.81


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