Monday, January 20, 2014

Quick Update

Hi friends,

I have to start by telling you how weird it feels to write these little 'update' posts.  It's not as though I have a huge readership or that any of you few, dear friends will terribly miss pictures of my groceries!  But I feel compelled to explain myself anyway so thanks for bearing with me. 

I have all sorts of ideas for blog posts and thoughts swimming through my mind about projects & recipes that I want to write about.  Here's a short list:
  • Pantry Challenge 2014 is underway
  • Grocery shopping so far in 2014
  • Goals for 2014 - Savings & otherwise
  • Confessions of spending our Emergency Fund
  • Economic recovery
  • Starting a very part-time job
The fact is I just don't have time yet to spend time writing.  We had a lot of family for extended visits and were out of town ourselves for much of the holiday season.  We were not alone in our house for more than 24 hours between December 8th and January 12th!  Our Christmas decorations are still up and some of the new gifts still haven't found a resting place so the house just feels so messy and cluttered.  If you know me then you know that things must really be bad for me to be bothered by the mess. 

I have several tax filings for our business to prepare and our personal tax return to prepare in the next couple of weeks.  I have a rule that our own tax work must be complete before I help anyone else out, so I try to get ours done fast. 

On a positive note, home educating is going well. We are right back into the swing of things and I am busy looking at options for next year.  We are also all healthy and I am so thankful for amazingly created immune systems.

In short, I hope to get back to writing here soon but I also need to feel like I'm doing my best job as a wife, homeschooling mom, and homemaker.  I just have to get things more manageable on the home front before I get to have fun blogging!  God's not going to care about my blog content but He'll care about how I served Him by serving my family. 

So hopefully I'll write soon, but I expect I will need a few weeks. 

Love, Katie

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