Fred Meyer is having one of its best sales of the year this week. Here are some of my favorite grocery deals:Organic or Regular Strawberries (1 lb), Raspberries (6 oz), or Blackberries (6 oz) - $2
Tillamook Yogurt - $.33 each
Tillamook Cheese - $3.99 for 2# in 6 varieties (limit one) - Don't waste this price getting cheddar, get something fancier.
Doritos - $1.50
Breyers - $2
Vitabee Bread - $1 (sweetened with honey, not sugar or corn syrup - my fav. bread)
Kettle chips - $1.67 (QFC had a tear off pad of coupons for another $1.00 off!)
Rice-a-roni - $.69
Kellogg's Cereal - $1.67 and pair with coupons here.
Organic Mom's Best Cereal - $1
Household Products Deals:
Seventh Generation - 40% off. Pair with coupons here from Seventh Generation.
Purex Detergent - $1.99. Pair with $1 off coupons in Sunday paper insert.
Speedstick Deodorant - $.79 with MC at store
Colgate - $.79 with MC at store
Other Deals:
If you love the kitchen, it's B1G1 for kitchen gadgets, table linens, & bakeware
If you have a kid birthday coming up, it's B1G1 for many toys
Happy Shopping!
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