I dashed into QFC Monday for french fries since DH and I were going out to dinner & the kids were eating at home with the babysitter. I found 3 organic chickens on clearance for $2.09/lb. I also got organic chicken thighs, organic baby yogurt, organic cottage cheese at $1.49, and a clearance bag of 4 bell peppers for $1.00. I also got bananas, grapes, & cherries. I spent $68.96.
My friend told me that a grocery store in her neighborhood was remodeling & had some great deals. It's kind of far from my house, but I was nearby this week and dropped in. Sure enough there was some great stuff at great prices. I spent a pile so I won't give you the whole rundown, but here's the stuff I was most excited about:
- GF/DF chocolate cake mix for $1.97 each
- GF/DF confetti cake mix for $1.64 each
- GF/DF brownie mix for $1.64 each
- A big jar of pickles for $1.37
- marshmallows for $0.57
- HonestKids drink pouches for $0.99/box of 8
- Formula bottles for $0.99 each
- Tahini for $1.99 each
- organic gf noodles for $1.12
- organic tomato sauce for $0.59 each
- quinoa burgers for $0.99/box of 4
- shelf stable soy milk for camping $0.99 each
- So Delicious coconut milk creamer, also shelf stable for $0.99 each
- also got juice, baby crackers, gallon of organic milk, organic celery, non-butter, organic dry beans, organic canned beans, tea, salad dressing, nutrigrain bars, organic baby cereal, and gf spice cake mix.
Really, it was a huge trip - see all this? It was $94.99. Amazing.
There were a few things that rung up incorrectly however, so I called the store and they said I could just come back in with my receipt. So two days later when I was headed that direction again I stopped in and got the price corrections plus found a bunch more stuff.
- organic GF pasta for $1.09
- Clif kids snacks for $1.99/box
- pectin for $1.24
- Cocoa for $1.32/can
- pineapple for $0.49/can
- corn for $0.39/can
- organic dark chocolate bars (for DD2 s'mores) $2.00 each
- organic granola bars $0.99 each box
- kind granola $1.24
- pickles $1.04/jar
- organic salsa $0.99/jar
- vegan alfredo sauce for $2.09/jar
I also bought a daiya pizza, some bananas, & carrots I wanted to save stopping at another store. This trip was $64.03
You'd think I'd have stopped at this point, being well over $200 for the week, but no. I went to Safeway for DD2's slice daiya cheese on Friday morning. My usual Kroger stores don't have it, & Safeway does. While there I found a bunch more to buy, naturally. Olives & relish were on special for $0.99/jar and there were gluten free granola bars and crackers on clearance for $2.49 and $1.29, respectively. I also got cream cheese I needed for a special dessert that night and while on the dairy aisle found some clearance yogurt. Organic almond milk was also on sale & I picked up more grapes, bananas, & a couple of apples so I wouldn't have to shop again through the weekend. I spent $48.77.
Wouldn't you know it I forgot an important ingredient for the special dessert Friday night and had to run down to QFC to grab whipping cream. While there I couldn't resist a peek and the clearance product shelf and I found $0.99 bags of 4 ear of corn, 6 peaches & an apriocot, and 11 donut peaches! Talk about fruit-palooza! When I got home I hid the new grapes in the veggie drawer so my kids will eat the peaches first. So far, so good. And I spent $5.66 on this trip.
All in all, I spent $282.41 in week 29.
Year to date 2016: $4,457.82
Weekly Average: $153.72
I'd like to think next week will be better, but I think I'm going to Costco and there's a good chance I'm getting bulk blueberries. We'll see how it turns out.
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